Compliance Checks Decoded: New Ebook Out Now
When you are the subject of a HMRC tax investigation you should be sent a five page ‘factsheet’ called General Information About Compliance Checks. This SHOULD be a road map of the [...]
HMRC to slash 300 jobs
The Guardian reports today that HMRC will cut their workforce by 300 in the next year. You may think that this is a good thing because it’s 300 less people who might be giving you a hard [...]
HMRC Come Top In ‘Phone Rage Charts’
HM Revenue & Customs has been named and shamed in the UK’s first ‘phone rage index’ as the organisation most likely to waste people’s time on the phone says The Telegraph. One of [...]
More from Watchdog on HMRC’s heavy handed approach
If you are interested in HMRC’s heavy handed techniques (yesterday’s post) this Watchdog film might also be of interest.
HMRC get heavy handed and send out some nasty letters
For those who don’t know Taxation is a magazine targeted at tax advisers and accountants so the language contains jargon. But having said that this was one of the more accessible pieces and [...]
UK Uncut pay a visit to Dave Hartnett
Dave Hartnett, head of HMRC, has spent the last few years shaking hands on sweetheart deals with multinational corporations. Vodafone were let off upwards of £6bn in tax, Goldman Sachs were let [...]
How to survive the middle-class tax crackdown
Doctors, dentists, and other professionals have been warned: they are the targets in a new HM Revenue & Customs crackdown on tax evaders. Initially the taxman’s beady eyes will be focused on [...]