The Clowns Speak Out
Every year HMRC asks their staff for their opinions – and every year the result is shameful, here are the stats for this year.
Only 21% feel that HMRC as a whole is managed well
Only 24% believe that ExCom has a clear vision for the future of HMRC
Only 19% Overall, have confidence in the decisions made by HMRC’s senior
Only 17% feel that change is managed well in HMRC
Only 14% believe when changes are made in HMRC they are usually for the better
Only 23% are proud when I tell others I am part of HMRC
Only 21% would recommend HMRC as a great place to work
Only 21% thought HMRC inspires them to do the best in their job
Only 20% thought HMRC motivates them to help it achieve its objectives
Only 23% thought that where they work, they thought effective action had been taken on the results of the the last staff survey
The engagement index was 41% barely up from last year’s of 40%