Some feeback over seafarers deductions
This comment was left on our YouTube channel from EM.
I have been embroiled in a tax battle with HMRC over seafarers deductions for the past 8 years.
I have finally been informed that the £5,398 I allegedly owed (after some kind of form (?) had been submitted after my re-imbursement had been authorized without my knowledge, or consent, and with no further explanation by the HMRC as to why I suddenly had to repay it all again..) has been reduced to some £550…After the first court appearance by the HMRC representative completely boshed their case for me not to receive an appeal / review.
I am now awaiting instruction on repayment terms (to be negotiated with me) before my next court date in April this year.
The HMRC is riddled with incompetence indeed.
More on seafarers deductions here.
Thanks EM. Do give us your comments if you want to help yourselves and others.