About Us
We are a small team of team of experienced and determined practitioners that help the unrepresented (and poorly represented) in their disputes with HMRC.

Nick Morgan
Nick was working as a freelance journalist when his Self Assessment return was investigated by HMRC. The investigation should have been simple and short but it turned into a nightmare.
Nick used his journalistic skills to document and challenge the investigation; recording the interviews and phone calls plus applying for Data Protection documentation – which turned out to be extremely useful.
Tax Hell was made to help others trapped in similar situations, it’s now been running 10 years and has helped thousands of people – selected quotes from some of them below.
Nick has written numerous articles on tax, including a piece on HMRC tactics for The Sunday Times, which you can see / download in pdf format here.

Chris Chadburn
FDirect Tax Investigation Expert
He has specialised for over thirty years in tax investigation work and on the commercial side of the fence has focused on SMEs and cases involving serious fraud. He was a partner at Moores Rowland and Baker Tilly before leaving to start working with Jeff Kellett in 2003.
Chris does like a good argument with the taxman. These are particularly enjoyable when the inspector sees everything in ‘black and white’, and that’s most of the time these days.
Since his two sons flew the nest, his leisure time is dominated by the demands of a previously unkempt Victorian house by the sea. His wife is a big fan of Grand Designs and Location, Location, Location.

Jeff Kellett
Direct Tax Investigation Expert
Jeff spent thirteen years in the Inland Revenue in the North West and West Midlands. His final Revenue post was at the Foreign Entertainers Unit in Special Office.
From 1987 he was a manager in tax investigation teams for several large firms including Deloittes and KPMG and worked alongside Chris Chadburn at Baker Tilly before starting his investigations consultancy in 2003.
Jeff enjoys walking and has completed the Three Peaks and Lyke Wake challenges, 26 and 40 miles respectively. For most of the year he is drawn to the Etihad Stadium like a moth to a candle and has been a Manchester City supporter since the age of eight.
Jeff is now enjoying the success brought about by the Abu Dhabi takeover and looks forward to even greater successes in the future. His approach to investigation work is reflected in his pastimes – long term commitment and support.
Praise for direct help
After 18 months of harassment it looks like ADR might be working for me as you suggested. They have indicated no penalties, no previous years and that I might owe the grand total of £340 plus interest. Thanks again for the book and your help!
Thanks chaps, I honestly don’t know what I’d have done without you!
What could have been quite complicated was sorted out with a small fine for being ‘careless’.
I had yet another of those brown HMRC envelopes today and braced myself for the worst. But guess what – they found that the penalty should be cancelled! I’m still quite stunned by it, somehow I didn’t believe that they would rule against their own officers, however inept and unfair they are. Thank you so much for all your help on this.
I received a letter from Ms W yesterday afternoon saying that she has closed the compliance check into my tax affairs! I am so grateful to you - as without your kindness, endless patience and professional expertise this outcome would not have been achieved and could have potentially dragged on for years if I had been unrepresented. Thanks to your help it seems common sense has prevailed.
Without the help of Tax-Hell I would not have been able to achieve the outcome I desired. In fact the eventual result was actually far better than I anything I could have imagined.
This is a huge relief for me. I am so grateful for your time and attention in dealing with this.
Praise for the ebooks given by tax professionals
I found the Tax Hell ebook easy to read and very informative. I will definitely recommend the book and the website to clients.
Accountant, Accounts Matters -
Informative for tax professionals and the unrepresented alike – a great read.
Director, TaxationWeb -
Nick says a lot of things in the ebooks that many accountants and tax advisers would probably like to say to the Revenue just before they retired from the profession!
Managing Editor, TaxationWeb -
The investigation system is weighted against the unrepresented taxpayer. This book does a great job in explaining the pitfalls.
Director, rossmartin.co.uk -
A good and easy to read guide for anyone caught up in an HMRC tax investigation. A must read for any Self Assessment taxpayer.
Director, HMRC is Shite
Praise for the ebooks given by readers
Great Book!! I wish I’d known this information 6 years, 4 tax Inspectors and 2 Commissioners’ hearings ago!
Brilliant guide. Clear and is to the point, precisely what you need when you are pulling your hair out! Highly recommended!
In late 2011 I received a startling phone call at my place of work from HMRC, claiming that I owed them £17,000 in unpaid taxes. I downloaded Everything you wanted to know about Tax Investigation. It was clear, concise and incredibly helpful. Today HMRC have dropped their case. Needless to say, I’m thrilled to put this whole affair behind me.
Penalties is a very handy companion to the Everything You Wanted to Know book.
Thank you! Very easy to read, unlike most things tax related!
Great Book!! I wish I’d known this information 6 years, 4 tax Inspectors and 2 Commissioners’ hearings ago!
I bought a copy of your book about 5 years ago, best money I ever spent, armed with that and a good accountant I was able to dodge the HMRC bullet. HMRC wanted to go back 43 years – I kid you not - they went into my dead mother and fathers accounts my wife’s accounts and also my dead mother and father in-laws accounts.On and on. They had every intention of bankrupting me. Thanks to your book they could not do it. The end result? They gave up and went away with nothing.